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Home Blog As My Face Ages, Do I Need a Facelift?

As My Face Ages, Do I Need a Facelift?

As we grow older, our skin loses elasticity—loosening and sagging under the force of gravity. Those changes tend to be most visible in our faces, which also develop wrinkles and deepening lines and creases. It’s a natural process, but it’s also understandable to want to slow it down and make the effects less noticeable and hold onto a younger look.

To correct more advanced skin loosening and deeper lines and wrinkles, a facelift is the gold standard of cosmetic treatment, with subtly natural-looking and long-lasting outcomes.

Do I Need a Facelift?

There’s no set age or single sign that you need a facelift. Aging advances by degrees, at varying rates for different people, and what bothers you about your facial aging may not concern someone else. Here are some signs that it may be time to consider a facelift.

Physical Signs of Facial Aging

  • The skin on your lower face is sagging to form jowls or reduce the definition of your jawline.
  • Fat deposits in your face are falling to leave a hollowed look in your cheeks and under your eyes.
  • Facial lines and wrinkles below your eyes are growing deeper and more pronounced in ways that make you look older than you feel.
  • You have a sagging neck or double chin.
  • You have muscle banding on your neck.

Your Emotional Reactions to the Signs of Facial Aging

  • You’re upset about the look of your sagging jawline, wrinkled neck, or the creases around your nose and mouth.
  • The changes in your face make you look tired, angry, or sad, even when you are feeling alert and happy.
  • Your aging appearance is affecting your self-confidence. When you see yourself in the mirror, it seems you look much older than you feel.

Your Experience with Less Invasive Treatments

Non-surgical treatments no longer keep you looking young. The creams and lotions you use don’t have the effect they once had. You’ve tried Botox, dermal fillers, chemical peels, or other non-surgical treatments and they help a bit, but not enough to correct sagging skin and deep wrinkles and lines.

How a Facelift Can Help

A facelift tightens and lifts the skin and underlying muscles and ligaments of the lower face to reverse the visible signs of aging. The surgery eliminates the sagging, drooping effect of lax skin and softens or erases facial wrinkles and creases. A trained surgeon will reposition facial fat to fill hollowed areas. They’ll remove hanging bulges of fat under the chin and jawline and tighten loose skin to sharpen your facial profile.

Today’s facelifts produce beautifully subtle results—for both men and women. Having a facelift can make you look and feel years younger and give you a boost of self-confidence.

Non-Surgical Treatments

If you’ve decided that a facelift may not be the best course of action for you at this point, we also have a variety of non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments to choose from, some of which include:

  • Dermal Fillers: gel-like substances that, when injected under the skin, add volume where it is missing.
  • Botox: an injectable formula that temporarily softens or eliminates fine facial lines and wrinkles that result from repeated movements of the underlying muscles.
  • Chemical Peel: an application performed in your plastic surgeon’s office that removes damaged surface skin to reveal fresh skin cells beneath.
  • Non-surgical Rhinoplasty: uses dermal fillers, rather than surgery, to improve the shape of your nose.
  • Lip Augmentation: a non-surgical procedure that improves the appearance of your lips by reshaping them and giving them a larger kissable area.

Learn More About Facial Rejuvenation in Orange County

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out whether a facelift or another facial rejuvenation treatment may be right for you. We’ll answer your questions and explain your options. We have five Los Angeles-area offices: in Orange, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Yorba Linda, and Newport Beach, CA.

The doctors at UCI Plastic Surgery are leaders in the field of cosmetic surgery. Through their teaching and lecturing roles at UCI, they stay current with state-of-the-art techniques and technology. With their advanced technical skills, they consistently produce better, more natural-looking results for their patients.