November 17, 2020 | Tummy Tuck
4 minute read

As any woman who has gone through pregnancy can attest to, the body doesn’t quite always look the same when all is said and done. At our plastic surgery offices in Orange County, California, we often meet with mothers of all ages who are wanting to do something about the changes their body has experienced due to pregnancy. The tummy tuck is one of the most popular and effective plastic surgery procedures performed to help women address common body concerns after having children.
If you are a mother—whether you’ve just had kids or yours are already grown and out of the house—we’ve put together a list of three important facts that all moms should know when considering a tummy tuck.
#1 The stretch marks and loose skin is normal after pregnancy.
You are not alone! During pregnancy, the skin around your abdomen is stretched far beyond its normal size in order to carry your baby. Stretch marks often appear along the lower abdomen and skin will likely lose some elasticity causing some looseness or drooping of the skin even long after your child is born. When you see those new celebrity mothers post pictures on Instagram, they are often PhotoShopped and airbrushed to remove some of the very same concerns.
If the stretch marks and loose skin is something that bothers you, a customized tummy tuck procedure can help to address these issues and provide you with a firm and well-contoured midsection.
#2 Diet and exercise will help keep you healthy and lose weight, but it can’t fix everything.
One of the most common misconceptions about a woman’s body after pregnancy is that many of the side-effects can be completely solved with just a solid fitness routine. This is simply untrue. While diet and exercise will provide many health benefits and help you burn excess fat, pregnancy also brings with it many physical changes that cannot so easily be reversed. Sagging skin and outstretched muscles will often persist despite even the best and most aggressive of fitness efforts. Any trainer or post-baby exercise program that promises otherwise is just setting you up for unrealistic expectations.
A tummy tuck can help address what diet and exercise cannot. This personalized body surgery not only removes excess skin to reduce sagging, but it also tightens the underlying abdominal muscles to create a strong, slim foundation and reduce the appearance of a protruding belly. Tummy tucks can also be combined with liposuction to address those stubborn areas of fat.
#3 A tummy tuck (or any plastic surgery for that matter) cannot and should not be performed immediately after pregnancy.
Following childbirth, your muscles are simply not strong enough to handle plastic surgery. In order to ensure your safety, it is important to wait until your body has had time to regain its strength after pregnancy before considering body contouring procedures such as a tummy tuck. Giving yourself some time will also allow you to get rid of some stubborn fat and get closer to your pre-baby state.
If after losing the stubborn baby weight you are still unhappy with some of the left-over changes from pregnancy, a tummy tuck could help add the finishing touches to a slimmer, youthful silhouette.
Find out why Southern California moms love the tummy tuck
When it comes to our patients, the tummy tuck is one of those surgeries that often brings with it some of the most life-changing results. Mothers who come to UCI Plastic Surgery wanting to address the effects of pregnancy and childbirth often speak of an encouraging boost in self-confidence and an exciting new spark in intimacy following their personalized tummy tuck surgery. If you are ready to schedule your tummy tuck consultation or simply want to learn more about the surgery, please contact our office today online to speak with a member of our Orange County plastic surgery team.