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What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Revision

Breast augmentation revision is surgery to remove or replace breast implants. Even if your breast augmentation was thoughtfully planned and performed by an excellent surgeon, you might be unhappy with the results. Many women realize after their procedure that they wish they’d gone bigger or smaller, for example. Others experience problems with the implants that...Read More

Does a Revision Breast Surgery Require a Lift? | Orange County, CA

 When a woman decides to have breast augmentation surgery, she probably knows that there will be a second surgery at some time in her future called breast revision surgery. After all, breast implants, regardless of whether they are saline or silicone, are not lifetime devices. Several factors could trigger a breast implant revision, including: Saline...Read More

When Do You Need a Breast Implant Revision?

Breast augmentation with implants is the most popular cosmetic surgery performed in America. With so many women having implants placed, it’s inevitable that sometimes breast implant revision surgery will be needed. There are a number of reasons a woman might choose to undergo revision surgery, ranging from dissatisfaction to complications. Our breast revision surgeons at UCI Plastic...Read More