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Tag Archives: Mommy Makeover

Home Mommy Makeover

New Mom? Here’s When You Should Get Your Mommy Makeover!

Having a baby is one of the most joyous occasions a woman can experience in her life. What’s not that exciting or joyous are the physical changes that a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can be thrilled about the new addition to your family while also mourning over the new deflated...Read More

Should You Consider a Mommy Makeover?

After pregnancy, many women experience unwelcome and permanent changes to their body, particularly their midsection and breasts. While motherhood is one of life’s greatest and most cherished joys, the aftermath of pregnancy can be upsetting and frustrating for any woman who misses or mourns the way her body looked and felt before pregnancy and breastfeeding....Read More